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Goldilocks - Ed McBain, Michael Prichard
by: (author) (author)
ISBN: 9780736610322 (0736610324)
Publisher: Books on Tape
Edition language: English
Series: Matthew Hope (#1)
Community Reviews
Cathy67 rated it
4.0 Goldilocks
General Petraeus should have read this in 1976 when it was originally published and then have a re-read two years ago. Had he read between the lines (or not), he probably would still have his unblemished name, record and high-falutin' Washington job. And those of us who read mystery fiction know ...
EricCWelch rated it
It's really quite difficult to write anything meaningful about this book without inundating you with spoilers, but here's my best effort.Matthew Hope, another of McBain's series characters, a lawyer, gets a call in the middle of the night from _______ who reports that his _______ and ________ have b...
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