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Henry L. Sullivan III's Books
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susanvoss18 rated it 8 years ago
Note: While this is Book 3 in the series, it works well as a stand alone, though it is definitely enhanced by enjoying the first 2 episodes previously. However, if you do pick this up as a stand alone, you might want to check out the glossary first to pick up some of the lingo, characters, and overa...
susanvoss18 rated it 8 years ago
Note: Since this is Book 2 in the series, it is better (though not absolutely necessary) to have read Book 1, Swept Away, before reading this book. Once again, we return to the near future America, where powerful houses run the country from behind the scenes. Irene Daco, the first American dynastic ...
susanvoss18 rated it 9 years ago
Set in a near future America, the world is a bit different. Powerful houses run the politics, and hence, the country, from behind the scenes. Sworn fealty to a powerful house can bring the average person a decent paying job in a world where society is scrambling to hold it together. Sheila, a smart ...
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