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Hildy Silverman
Hildy Silverman graduated from Brandeis University, with Honors in their Creative Writing track -- a program that hundreds applied for, but only 10 were accepted into each year, and one of only two students who successfully completed the track the year she graduated. She had the pleasure of... show more
Hildy Silverman graduated from Brandeis University, with Honors in their Creative Writing track -- a program that hundreds applied for, but only 10 were accepted into each year, and one of only two students who successfully completed the track the year she graduated. She had the pleasure of working with advisers Sue Miller, Jayne Anne Phillips, Jay Cantor, and Geoffrey Wolff.After a stint in corporate America, she became a full-time freelancer who writes and edits e-learning, marketing communications, non-fiction magazine and search engine optimized articles. In 2005, she became the publisher and editor-in-chief of Space and Time (www.spaceandtimemagazine.com), a four-decade-old magazine of fantasy, horror and science fiction. Hildy is the vice-president of the Garden State Horror Writers (www.gshw.net) and a member of the literary programming committee for the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society (www.psfs.org), as well as a fixture on the science fiction convention circuit.Hildy is married with one child and currently resides in New Jersey. Somehow, she also finds time to write genre fiction, including the short stories appearing in the anthologies listed on this page.
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Community Reviews
Irresponsible Reader
Irresponsible Reader rated it 7 years ago
This is the strongest collection of stories that I can remember reading in the last few years -- 15 stories and only 1 that didn't work for me (it was fine, I just didn't think it took advantage of the SF setting). I really would like to post a few paragraphs about each story -- but wow, that's too ...
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