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Im Zeichen des Drachen - Hans P. Hallwachs, Tom Clancy
Im Zeichen des Drachen
by: (author) (author)
ISBN: 9783453188860 (3453188861)
Publisher: Heyne Hörbuch, Mchn
Edition language: Deutsch
Community Reviews
Bills Books
Bills Books rated it
3.0 The Bear and the Dragon (Jack Ryan)
While The Bear and The Dragon was a pretty good read there were a few things that I felt were weak. For starters the entire process by which the US Spy infiltrates the Chinese governments computer systems with his "undetectable" trojan. If he is delivering the computer, installing it for them, and w...
Bills Books
Bills Books rated it
3.0 The Bear and the Dragon (Jack Ryan)
While The Bear and The Dragon was a pretty good read there were a few things that I felt were weak. For starters the entire process by which the US Spy infiltrates the Chinese governments computer systems with his "undetectable" trojan. If he is delivering the computer, installing it for them, and w...
Bills Books
Bills Books rated it
3.0 The Bear and the Dragon (Jack Ryan)
While The Bear and The Dragon was a pretty good read there were a few things that I felt were weak. For starters the entire process by which the US Spy infiltrates the Chinese governments computer systems with his "undetectable" trojan. If he is delivering the computer, installing it for them, and w...
nouveau rated it
3.0 The Bear and the Dragon (Jack Ryan)
"The Bear and the Dragon," naturally, is about a hypothetical Sino-Russian war. marked by Clancy's facility with words, the action is pretty continuous, it doesn't get weird with people being made President in ten minutes or any other such odd plot devices, and there are no huge lapses of credibilit...
joannajoanna rated it
3.0 The Bear and the Dragon
While The Bear and The Dragon was a pretty good read there were a few things that I felt were weak. For starters the entire process by which the US Spy infiltrates the Chinese governments computer systems with his "undetectable" trojan. If he is delivering the computer, installing it for them, and w...
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Books by Hans P. Hallwachs
Books by Tom Clancy
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