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Ivo Andrić - Community Reviews back

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Merle rated it 7 years ago
This is a sort of fictionalized history, which the author referred to as a “chronicle” rather than a novel. It spans about 350 years in the history of Višegrad, Bosnia, telling the story of the town and its Ottoman-era bridge from the 16th century to World War I. The book dips into the lives of indi...
Prerazmišljavanje rated it 9 years ago
Skinula čitavu zvezdicu zbog najseksističkijeg predgovora ikad napisanog! Andrić je možda i imao nekog uvida u činjenicu da ne postoji pojam žene ni motiv žene ni žena uopšte, već ljudsko biće uopšte i pojedine žene kao i pojedini muškarci, ali autor predgovora, Dragan Jeremić, nije ni čuo za to.
Kalliope Muse speaks to me
Kalliope Muse speaks to me rated it 12 years ago
I read it in a Spanish translation, La señorita. Very different from The Bridge on the Drina. Also very good.
Chrissie's Books
Chrissie's Books rated it 16 years ago
Finished. About a bridge, a beautiful bridge. Through this bridge one finds hope. But the book is also about the passage of time and the folly of man and the peoples and cultures of the Balkans. One percieves the smallness of man. There are no clear answers. Is it foolish to hope for a better future...
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