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Jason Bulmahn
Jason Bulmahn is the Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing and the author of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. He has worked for Paizo since 2004 and has contributed to dozens of books for both Paizo and Wizards of the Coast. His work has won one Origins Awards and over 25 ENnie Awards. He is also the... show more

Jason Bulmahn is the Lead Designer of Paizo Publishing and the author of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. He has worked for Paizo since 2004 and has contributed to dozens of books for both Paizo and Wizards of the Coast. His work has won one Origins Awards and over 25 ENnie Awards. He is also the owner and publisher of Minotaur Games, a company dedicated to making quality card and board games.
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Community Reviews
Tower of Iron Will
Tower of Iron Will rated it 9 years ago
A monster reference book focusing on humanoid monsters, designed as a resource for game masters to supplement their campaigns with more details about Orcs and Goblins and such. Lots of flavor text with backstories and trivia about the creatures. Apparently Lizardfolk only want to be left alone to li...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 10 years ago
This book is what 3.5 should have been. In retrospect 3.5 was where D&D started to go downhill. I suspect that this is when corporate types that had no understanding of role-playing started making core decisions and started alienating their fan base, 3.5 did not really revisit 3rd edition, but in...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 10 years ago
I am in the process of converting from D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder much later than everyone else. In general, Pathfinder is an impressive system and the true inheritor of the Dungeon's and Dragon's brand. The problem with 3.5 that it emphasizes combat too much and role-playing too little is still a part...
megancsparks rated it 14 years ago
I'm converting my current D&D game from 3.5 to Pathfinder, so I wanted to buy myself a copy of the rulebook rather than mooching off my friend's. Naturally, in the game store, I also had to buy the Bestiary and Bestiary 2. I forgot how expensive gaming books are when you buy them new and not at the ...
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