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Jennie Adams
Jennie Adams's Books
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Community Reviews
tonyawarner rated it 13 years ago
Not a very enjoyable story. Hard to follow. Very slow inaction involved. Scarlett seems to spend lots of time thinking. Parts of the story are brought up that do not seem to relate to anything, and others have lots of details, then die off leaving you hanging.
Christine's Reads
Christine's Reads rated it 13 years ago
It was okay, but slow. After working with individuals with traumatic brain injuries for 5 years and then helping individuals with disabilities obtain employment for another 4 years, I find it difficult that a survivor would have such difficulties with sharing her limitations. That's one of the major...
Familiar Diversions
Familiar Diversions rated it 14 years ago
I might have liked this book more if it hadn't been for the author's constant use of denial to, I guess, create romantic tension. "He was not the most handsome man she'd ever met in her life, and she was not attracted to him in the slightest." "He did not want her hands on him." I made those up (exc...
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