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Kate Novak
Kate Novak's Books
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Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it 7 years ago
Following on from Azure Bonds, this focuses on Giogioni Wyvernspur, who was a minor character in book 1.When a magical family heirloom is stolen, he finds himself having to face up to his responsibilities.He's aided along the way by Olive Ruskettle, also from the first book, but you don't really nee...
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it 7 years ago
Alias the swordswoman wakes up with no recollection of the previous few days and a mysterious tattoo on her arm.She sets out to discover the meaning of it with help from some unlikely friends.Good D&D novel with plenty of action and an interesting story.
Got My Book
Got My Book rated it 8 years ago
A game based Sword & Sorcery Fantasy that is more than it's origins Her name is Alias, and she is in big trouble. She is a sell-sword, a warrior-for-hire, and an adventuress. She awoke with a series of twisting, magical blue sigils inscribed on her arms and no memory of where she got them. Determ...
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it 12 years ago
Okay, here is a half decent novel based in a Dungeons and Dragons world. Unlike some other books that will never be mentioned again, the computer game was based on the book rather than the other way around. However, once again, as the TSR money making machine churned on, two more books were released...
random library adventures
random library adventures rated it 15 years ago
I sortakinda read this and sortakinda liked it. Only a few stories grabbed my attention--the first one, by Elaine Cunningham, and the story about the elven vampire, by Christie Golden. Everything else I skimmed & it was a bit meh, including the new Salvatore story touted on the cover (Jarlaxle & E...
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