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Kathleen A. Flynn
Kathleen A. Flynn's Books
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Community Reviews
Tannat rated it 6 years ago
A team of two travels back in time to insinuate themselves into Jane Austen's life so that they can steal and copy some of her letters and rescue an unfinished novel (a complete version doesn't exist in the future) from being destroyed. The concept was interesting, but I sometimes found the main c...
Mike Finn
Mike Finn rated it 7 years ago
I found the premise of "The Jane Austen Project", time travelers from our future being sent back to 1815 to inveigle their way into an intimate acquaintance with Jane Austen with a view of diagnosing the disease that would kill her in 1817 and retrieving a copy of her unpublished novel "The Watsons"...
No More Booklikes, BYE
No More Booklikes, BYE rated it 7 years ago
Very enjoyable time travel, back to Jane Austin's time. A couple of future people are sent back to find the lost letters of Jane Austin. The comparisons, the reality of life then and the futuristic was awakening to the characters and me. If was easy to fall into the world created by this author. Eve...
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