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Lady Killer - Ed McBain
Lady Killer
by: (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781562871000 (1562871005)
Publisher: Otto Penzler Books
Pages no: 157
Edition language: English
Series: 87th Precinct 4 (#8)
Community Reviews
Skulls and Coffee
Skulls and Coffee rated it
4.0 Lady Killer (87th Precinct #8)
This was a really slim novel but it was very good. 12 hours to solve a potential murder has the guys of the 87th working hard to uncover who is the Lady and why she is going to be killed. One of my favorites of this series so far!
Skulls and Coffee
Skulls and Coffee rated it
4.0 Lady Killer (87th Precinct #8)
This was a really slim novel but it was very good. 12 hours to solve a potential murder has the guys of the 87th working hard to uncover who is the Lady and why she is going to be killed. One of my favorites of this series so far!
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