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Last Days - Community Reviews back

by Brian Evenson
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Yuki rated it 11 years ago
Sick-sick-sick. I have no idea why I've even started the bizzare book. And I have no idea why I liked it either..
The Good Times Are Killing Me
The Good Times Are Killing Me rated it 12 years ago
Brian Evenson is an evil man. “Las Days” is the first book I’ve read that makes me feel dirty for liking it (and not *sexy* dirty, but like I had eaten something from the trash), and yet I can’t help but feel that this is a remarkable piece of fiction. I hate you Mr. Evenson. Where were you when I h...
Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud
Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud rated it 12 years ago
Rating: four horrified, repulsed, goosepimply stars of fiveThe Book Report: Kline is a PI who doesn't need clients to hire him so he can live. This is because he stole money from a man who was trying to murder him. To make sure the man couldn't murder him, Kline bought time by lopping off his own h...
Marvin's Bookish Blog
Marvin's Bookish Blog rated it 13 years ago
First a warning: Do not read the introduction by Peter Straub. It will give everything away. This is not a book that you want to know much about before you read it. The brief Goodreads description is even more than you might want to know. So I'll try not to indulge in giving away any more but relate...
Gregor Xane
Gregor Xane rated it 14 years ago
Very dark, very funny. Although, I wish some of the history and inner workings of the cult were more deeply explored.
Benjamin rated it 15 years ago
Very unique story
Caleb J. Ross' booklikes
Caleb J. Ross' booklikes rated it 15 years ago
The best Evenson work since The Wavering Knife. LAST DAYS is perhaps more accessible than his other work, which makes it all the more reason for those unacquainted to jump on board now.
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