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Matt Sernett
Matt Sernett's Books
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Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 13 years ago
There is to be a D&D marathon overnight tomorrow. Four Gentlemen Nerds.Opening - Imagine a world of bold warriors, mighty wizards and terrible monsters.The art work alone is worth the skim through. Fab!
Mike Mullin, Author
Mike Mullin, Author rated it 14 years ago
Desperately needs better indexing and cross-referencing. Otherwise, I'm a fan of the fourth edition rules.
Reading Through the Nyte
Reading Through the Nyte rated it 16 years ago
Interesting... adding half dragon and half demonic races; but with all the math and modifiers, if this had been the book I found over 20 years ago, I'd never have played the game... and never met my better half!
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