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Missing Treasure! - Giles Andreae, Russell Ayto
Missing Treasure!
by: (author) (author)
SHIVER ME TIMBERS! The treasure of pirate Rufus Rumblebelly has disappeared form the museum! Luckily, captain Flinn eagerly takes the helm and heads to Bag o' Bones Island. . .only to be met by a rogue gang of pirate dinosaurs with swords at the ready! Flinn and his friends may be able to... show more
SHIVER ME TIMBERS! The treasure of pirate Rufus Rumblebelly has disappeared form the museum! Luckily, captain Flinn eagerly takes the helm and heads to Bag o' Bones Island. . .only to be met by a rogue gang of pirate dinosaurs with swords at the ready! Flinn and his friends may be able to triumph, but are they prepared to face the fierce, frightening, and most terrifying-looking pirate GIGANOTOSAURUS? Climb aboard for this rambunctious follow-up to the successful Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs!
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781416967453 (1416967451)
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Pages no: 32
Edition language: English
Series: Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs
Books by Giles Andreae
Books by Russell Ayto
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