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Only You Can Save Mankind - Terry Pratchett
Only You Can Save Mankind
by: (author)
3.32 170
It's just a game . . . isn't it? The alien spaceship is in his sights. His finger is on the Fire button. Johnny Maxwell is about to set the new high score on the computer game Only You Can Save Mankind. Suddenly, a message appears: We wish to talk. We surrender. But the aliens aren't... show more
It's just a game . . . isn't it? The alien spaceship is in his sights. His finger is on the Fire button. Johnny Maxwell is about to set the new high score on the computer game Only You Can Save Mankind. Suddenly, a message appears: We wish to talk. We surrender. But the aliens aren't supposed to surrender&#8212they're supposed to die!
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780060541873 (0060541873)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages no: 207
Edition language: English
Series: Johnny Maxwell (#1)
Community Reviews
Got My Book
Got My Book rated it
4.0 What is Real?: Only You Can Save Mankind | Review
A fun little MG Paranormal SF that may require some explanation of history. As the mighty alien fleet from the very latest computer game thunders across the computer screen, Johnny prepares to blow them into the usual million pieces. And they send him a message: We surrender. They're not suppos...
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it
5.0 Pratchett Reread #3
Better with age.Older ReviewConsidering the popularity of first person shooters, this book is still very timely. It's Pratchett, it's funny and delivers a message. Kristi is the protype of Hermonie. Enjoyable.A really good what if type of a story, especially if you ever played Space Invaders. There ...
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it
4.0 Second Review
This book still stands the test of time, mostly because of the rise of first person shooter games. Great use of humor. A fun, quick read.
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
Staring Sunday and I love me some PTerry.Read the third book waay back when, it'll be good to lassoo the bunch via radio.
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it
A really good what if type of a story, especially if you ever played Space Invaders. There are a couple questions concerning the aliens and the game that Pratchett doesn't answer.
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