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Pygmy (Audio) - Chuck Palahniuk, Paul Michael Garcia
Pygmy (Audio)
by: (author) (author)
Format: audiobook
ISBN: 9781433277283 (143327728X)
Publisher: Blackstone Audiobooks
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
XOX rated it
3.5 Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk is only okay
This supposed to be funny. But it is not so funny if you understand Chinese and know that most Chinese, even who don't speak proper English, don't sound like that as describe in the book. The dialogue itself would have turned me off. But wait, there is more. There is no main plot. There is a ...
nouveau rated it
2.0 Pygmy
hey Goodreads works the other way, too...this Palahniuk found its way to my bookshelf... and i found it a heavy disappointment after fight club...but glad to find out the masses also say, "Palaniuk's worst."so now maybe i explore his other stuff.
Ana V.
Ana V. rated it
4.0 Pygmy
This is the first time I have met an author able to do such different things with his stories. It's pure talent and raw passion that Palahniuk has, to mix so many things in his books and present them under such weird forms, and still be able to make himself understood. What I probably love most abou...
lebrunskibooks rated it
2.0 Pygmy
A self-indulgent polemic filled with one-dimensional (at best two-dimensional) characters. It is genuinely funny in places, but there's not enough to redeem it to be a worthwhile book.
shenmi meiren
shenmi meiren rated it
3.0 Pygmy
It was a rather difficult book - especially since I read it together with a friend, aloud... Not the best Palahniuk experience, though memorable :)
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Books by Paul Michael Garcia
Books by Chuck Palahniuk
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