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R. G. Nojek
R.G. Nojek lives in Monticello, Indiana and previously spent five years in Japan. His younger sister and aunt have always encouraged him to write, which he has been doing since he was fifteen! He spills his passion onto the page with his warped, twisted sense of humor, not holding back because of... show more

R.G. Nojek lives in Monticello, Indiana and previously spent five years in Japan. His younger sister and aunt have always encouraged him to write, which he has been doing since he was fifteen! He spills his passion onto the page with his warped, twisted sense of humor, not holding back because of gore or taboos. He loves the concept of vampires, but also writes zombies to die for, and has been influenced by movies such as Curse of the Dead (1959) and Curse of Frankenstein.His zombie story, Side Trip, has appeared in Stories From the Chapel, and Tek Doko and Sackamarbles Films have used one of his short stories as inspiration for My Dark Love.
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