This is a work of political philosophy arguing for minimal government, the libertarian counterpart and answer to the liberal John Rawls' A Theory of Justice. This is as far from a popular treatment of the subject (such as say Ayn Rand or the like) as you can get. In other words, yes, this is the wor...
Nozick is most famous for his defense of libertarianism in Anarchy, State and Utopia. I consider myself a libertarian, but ultimately found myself unsatisfied with it. People spoke of how original it was and how rigorous. But it was like that old saw, what was good wasn't original; what wasn't origi...
Nozick's musings in Examined Life are varied and interesting. His political leanings after a lifetime of philosophizing are much less brash than the ideas in his earlier work, Anarchy, State and Utopia. He no longer espouses anarcho-capitalism, and arguably not even libertarianism, making this, for ...