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Seven Day Loan - Tiffany Reisz
Seven Day Loan
by: (author)
Format: ebook
ISBN: 9781408924549 (1408924544)
Publisher: Mira Spice Briefs
Pages no: 22
Edition language: English
Series: The Original Sinners 0.5
Community Reviews
Sinful Book Reviews
Sinful Book Reviews rated it
3.0 The Gift by Tiffany Riesz
I decided to read this one before The Siren. I’ve heard great things, but also things that have made me a little wary. I thought this would help me get a look at the Tiffany Reisz’s style. There was a lot of sex, but a little depth too. I really liked Daniel, despite his sadness. There was a small p...
Sassafrass rated it
4.0 Ok, I'll admit to being confused...
So, I thought this was a great erotic short. I loved these characters, I loved the set up. I loved the big revelation at the end when we find what "he" did for a living. And on GR, this is set up as a prequel. I started looking into reading the first book right away because I just LOVED the lit...
Bombshell's Books
Bombshell's Books rated it
4.0 The Gift
This one gets a 4-star rating for the sexiest use of library analogies ever used in an erotic short story. Or possibly any story. Ever.I should probably preface this review by saying that I don’t usually read short stories (erotic or otherwise). To me, character development is the most important asp...
Banana's Book Blog
Banana's Book Blog rated it
5.0 The Gift
Daniel, I kinda wish Nora would end up with you...but alas I know that she won't for several reasons including the fact that she's no longer a sub...But a girl can dream.
ReadingDiva's Blog
ReadingDiva's Blog rated it
4.0 The Gift
**Originally posted @ SinfulReads BlogREVIEW: The Gift (Seven Day Loan) as every other book written by Tiffany Reisz is a well written story. In this short story we are given a glimpse into the world Nora lived before becoming the woman she is today. Even when this story is so short Reisz manages to...
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