Sharyn November
Birth date: January 30, 1924
Sharyn November's Books
These seems like a collection of 'what if' scenarios from various fantasy Authors and they are very enjoyable for a casual read; a few of them would even qualify for college-level analysis, I believe.
Jo Walton is an author who can be trusted to come up with fresh ideas and stories, a rare bird in the fantasy genre. Here we have “time zones” in which time passes at different rates, gods with hive minds, and, most unusual of all, nontraditional family structures. Lifelode centers on a nuclear fami...
A domestic, pastoral fantasy, this novel is set in the village of Applekirk whose inhabitants live out their lives in accordance with their traditions and with the seasons. However, ordinary lives for these villagers involve such things as nuclear families comprised of four adults and their assorted...
The only problem is, a lot of the stories get darker as you go on... but it was pretty interesting, considering I read this one first, and then simultaneously read and reread all three.
Meh. It was pretty good, but I like the second one better XD