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Sheer Mischief - Jill Mansell
Sheer Mischief
by: (author)
Format: kindle
Publisher: Headline
Pages no: 512
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
debbiekrenzer rated it
As usual, Jill Mansell has come through with yet another light romance with lots of comedy.I found this one to be a funny, cozy romance that I just sped through. I loved Maxine!! I thought she was a hoot and I loved some of her comebacks.And Alan, someone should shoot him . . . twice.Another, IMHO, ...
Heather's Book Blog
Heather's Book Blog rated it
5.0 Sheer Mischief
Just finished my ARC of Jill Mansell’s Sheer Mischief due out 1/3/18. If you love Jill Mansell like I do and have read her books. She doesn’t disappoint. This one is one of her best
I, the booklover
I, the booklover rated it
(http://labirinto-livros.blogspot.com/2012/03/pura-malicia.html)Pura Malícia é mais um livro a juntar-se àquela que se está a tornar uma extensa colecção de risos, humor, alegria e muito romance da parte de Jill Mansell. Sendo esta uma autora obrigatória na minha estante e tendo já lido todos os liv...
Tina's Reading Books
Tina's Reading Books rated it
Probably the weakest of the Jill Mansell novels I've been gobbling down like candy. Too many unlikeable characters. And the main heroine was a little too wimpy for my taste.
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