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Stasiland - Anna Funder
by: (author)
4.00 5
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781876485900 (1876485906)
ASIN: 1876485906
Publisher: The Text Publishing Company
Pages no: 288
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Gatta ci cova
Gatta ci cova rated it
Titolo ingannevole. C’era una volta la DDR. Lo pensavo un libro di storia che chiarisse dubbi e colmasse lacune. Pensavo. Appunto. “Stasiland: Stories from behind the Berlin Wall”. Se anziché stravolgerlo, avessero lasciato il titolo originale, mi sarei attesa altro. Anna Funder incontra alcuni ex...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it
5.0 Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall by Anna Funder
bookshelves: nonfiction, summer-2014, fraudio, published-2003, tbr-busting-2014, germany, journalism, autobiography-memoir, politics, eye-scorcher, history, berlin, betrayal, casual-violence, cold-war, lifestyles-deathstyles, ouch, rid-the-world-of-tyrants, totalitarian Read from May 22 to July 31...
jmills01 rated it
3.0 Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall
I read this book because I recently visited the former East Germany, and I was curious about life in the DDR. This book - the story of an Australian journalist who moves to Germany and searches for former Stasi members and their victims to interview - is very easy to read. Unfortunately, I found m...
~Mairéad's Reading List~
~Mairéad's Reading List~ rated it
3.0 Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall
Very interesting.***Read For Brother***
That's What She Read
That's What She Read rated it
0.0 Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall
There are few defining historical moments in one’s life – the type that sears itself on one’s memory so that one can always remember where one was or what one was doing when the moment occurred. For me, the fall of the Berlin Wall was one of those moments. Coming home from school, I first caught a g...
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