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Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All - Community Reviews back

by Rose Shapiro
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Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 11 years ago
Rose Shapiro looks at Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (known as CAM throughout the book) and shines a light in some of the corners. I largely agree with her and also largely despair of people who reject science and regular medicine to delay treatment for serious issues. Her chapter on how...
Bookivorous rated it 13 years ago
Another book to add to the list of those which explain why homeopathy, acupuncture, herbalism and all the other alternative therapies we're so fond of at this point in history don't work, can't work and will never work. My only complaint is the title, which characterises those who are taken in as st...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 15 years ago
Rose Shapiro looks at Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (known as CAM throughout the book) and shines a light in some of the corners. I largely agree with her and also largely despair of people who reject science and regular medicine to delay treatment for serious issues. Her chapter on how t...
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