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Susan Grant
Mom, RITA award winner, New York Times best-selling author, former USAF jet pilot and current 747 international airline pilot Susan Grant loves writing about what she knows: flying, adventure, and the often unpredictable interaction between men and women! show more

Mom, RITA award winner, New York Times best-selling author, former USAF jet pilot and current 747 international airline pilot Susan Grant loves writing about what she knows: flying, adventure, and the often unpredictable interaction between men and women!
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Rachel's books
Rachel's books rated it 5 years ago
I liked the writing and it keep me engaged and interested. However, I did have Issues with this one. It was disappointing that a sci-fi romance couldn't be better in the roles given to women. The world Rom (Romlijhian) B'kah inhibits limits women's participation. It's sons that matter, inherit, sit ...
Book Hoarders Anonymous
Book Hoarders Anonymous rated it 6 years ago
As one reviewer put it, the PTSD was handled reasonably well. There for a while, various romantic suspense authors gave me the feeling it was the trope du jour and they researched just enough to be dangerous. Worse, they gave their heroines magic hoo-hahs which cured whatever ailed the heroes. Not...
Carolyn Cannot Live Without Books!
Carolyn Cannot Live Without Books! rated it 6 years ago
Anthology 3.17 is the average rating. 1. Mortal in Mysteria by Susan Grant. Blushing and all the double entendres with the Pilgrim talk was too much. I had to either skip the story or skip the book. I'm skipping the story. No rating because I didn't finish it. 2. Alone Wolf by MaryJanice Davidson. I...
MsNalla's Take...
MsNalla's Take... rated it 6 years ago
Okay.. This one may have taken a minute for me to get into. It didn't start to really interest me until about the 30-40% mark. From there on it was a pretty awesome read. Although it has a simpleton, light quality to it, it was great watching how things unfold here. I loved the ending as well.I may ...
Book Hoarders Anonymous
Book Hoarders Anonymous rated it 7 years ago
A loose end from a series orphaned either by a publisher saying "we don't want " or by a publisher going under. Since I think the first three of the series were published by Dorcester, might be a little of both. Regardless... Star Princess kinda left a loose end in the form ...
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