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review 2020-10-19 23:38
LIttle Elliott, Big Fun
Little Elliot, Big Fun - Mike Curato,Mike Curato

This is the best Little Elliot book yet. Little Elliott and Mouse are going to the far edge of the city to the amusement park. I thought Mouse would be the one with issues being the smaller one but Little Elliot is just not liking the looks of what Mouse likes. Mouse seems to like the adventurous rides and he like all the different sights of the park but not Little Elliot.

I liked that Mouse didn't get upset with Little Elliott when he didn't like what Mouse liked. I liked that Mouse accepted Little Elliot's fears and insecurities. Little Elliot did try to have fun after being scared at first and by the end of the book, they had a great time together and the ending was so sweet. The ending is what makes them best friends. You can have differences and still have fun together and be best friends. What a great book! 

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review 2020-10-19 22:27
Merry Christmas, Little Elliott
Merry Christmas, Little Elliot - Illustrator) Mike Curato (Author
So where do you find the Christmas Spirit? Where can someone discover that good feeling you get about Christmas? This is the question that Little Elliott must answer as he searches with his friend Mouse, after their visit with Santa didn't produce the results that he wanted.

As the two friends try different seasonal activities, Little Elliott struggles to find his Christmas Spirit and he begins to lose hope. When a misplaced envelope finds its way to Little Elliott, he takes it upon himself to deliver the envelope to the right person. This action is the beginning of their adventure as Little Elliott discovers what he was missing. This is a cute story with beautiful, colorful illustrations.
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review 2020-05-23 21:24
Rogue Wolf
Rogue Wolf - Elliot Cooper

Vince is a werewolf or fenrite. He happens to be in exile for loving someone in a different pack (I didn't get it was because he was gay, but it certainly could have been part of it). He is now part of a pirate crew and this is his chosen family.
This started off right into the action. It wasn't difficult to figure out what was going on, enough info was given. Both Vince and Trent are likable as are the secondary characters.

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text 2019-07-18 16:56
Reading progress update: I've listened 180 out of 600 minutes.
Voyage of Slaves - David Elliot,Brian Jacques

This is the first Jacques book I will gave DNFed. It's never been my favorite series, and it's really dull to me. Oh well. I still love Redwall.

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text 2019-07-13 02:48
Reading progress update: I've read 45 out of 356 pages.
Voyage of Slaves - David Elliot,Brian Jacques

Going to read some of these MM paperbacks I have piled up. This is my physically-read-it book, instead of audiobooking. This series is my least fav Jacques work, but I am determined to finish reading all he did. Only this and one Redwall book left and I'm done with all the books my childhood favorite author wrote.

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