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url 2017-05-01 22:08
82 -- yes, EIGHTY-TWO -- new releases in book series tomorrow!
The Gathering Edge (Liaden Universe®) - Sharon Lee,Steve Miller
A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses) - Sarah J. Maas
Cold Reign - Faith Hunter
Pawn: A Chronicle of the Sibyl's War - Timothy Zahn
Darkship Revenge - Sarah A. Hoyt
The Dark Prophecy - Rick Riordan
Alien Education (Alien Novels) - Gini Koch
The Fallen - Eric Van Lustbader
Heat Storm (Nikki Heat) - Richard Castle
Super Narwhal and Jelly Jolt (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #2) - Ben Clanton

I included a few at top of this post but see the entire list at https://www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar by clicking on Tuesday, May 2.


Guess gearing up for spring vacations and summer reading?

Source: www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar
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url 2017-03-10 07:57
10 Characters in the Mercy Thompson Series You Must Meet
Silence Fallen - Patricia Briggs

So this is a round-up I did for B&N SciFi, which is a little listicle-y because it's number 10 in a series and nobody much cares about, like, an actual review at that point. Either you'll read it because you're on the hook, or you won't.


But coming up with the list kinda reminded me how kinda terrible the Mercy Thompson series is about relationships between female characters. I think there's a big step forward in Silence Broken -- Mercy has real conversations with Honey, that Russian witch lady, and Marselia -- but that doesn't precisely make up for the previous 9 novels. It ends up being one of those bummers where I pretty much like everything about a series but a huge fucking gaping hole where normal human interaction should exist between people of the same gender, but alas, it doesn't. Or it does a little not, but. 


Oh, but as per the actual plot: I thought this one unstuck some stuff that had been, um, stuck, in the few previous. Mercy ends up kidnapped into Europe, so we get a whole new political and literal landscape to deal with. I though it shook up some things that needed shaking up in the Mercyverse. 

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url 2016-01-14 20:29
2016 Young Adult Adaptations

Hello, everyone! Last month, I gathered a round-up of adaptation news from the past six to seven months that I had covered in my bookish rounds posts. The six to seven months was an arbitrary number, and I had missed some adaptation news in choosing that limit.

I had also, however, gotten a few things wrong. For one, I had originally written that The 5th Wave adaptation was releasing January 15th; a week later, I realized that the date was set at January 22nd. I edited the post, but it turns out that I wasn't the only one with a mistaken idea of the release date. One of my friends, only a week ago, said that she had seen something that said January 15th. I assured her it was the 22nd, but that was the last straw. Certainly, there are a number of articles about reading the book before you see the movie, yet some of them also include movies that don't have set release dates. I thought that it would be useful to create a calender infographic of the upcoming 2016 young adult and middle grade adaptations.

*Note: Not all of these are strictly Young Adult adaptations -- some are more "kidlit" (e.g. The Little Prince, Tuck Everlasting, etc.) and some had franchises in MG/YA but may not be anymore (e.g. Harry Potter & Cursed Child, Fantastic Beasts, etc.), but I thought that all would be relevant to the YA community.

And for the rest....
A Calender of 2016 Young Adult and Middle Grade
Adaptations. Click to enlarge the image.
*For these movies, the release date is listed as 2016, but the actual date has not been confirmed. Whether they will actually be released this year is yet to be determined.
*Can't make a calender of adaptations without nodding to the successful ones that are still running!
*Note: Since Alex Skarsgård is playing Tarzan and has bulked up for the role, I figured that his character was probably not meant to be like the Disney version anymore.
If you're wondering where I got all this information from, again last month, I gathered a round-up of adaptation news from the past six to seven months that I had covered in my bookish rounds posts. Those posts have all the links to trailers, posters, etc.
So those are the 2016 young adult and middle grade adaptations! (Or at least “relevant to the YA/MG community” since HP & Cursed Child, & Fantastic Beasts may not be technically YA/MG). Which ones will you be watching / seeing this upcoming year? Are you going to withhold your judgment on others? Let me know!
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review 2015-04-29 03:49
“Cassiegate”: Cassandra Clare’s Alleged Plagiarism in The Mortal Instruments
The Mortal Instruments Boxed Set (The Mortal Instruments, #1-3) - Cassandra Clare
City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare

Why would someone who plagiarized get away with it and get load of money?


That's bad behaviors. It discouraged originality.


This writer should not copy from Buffy the Vampire slayer, one of my favor TV series.

Shameful behavior should be made public. 

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url 2014-07-02 20:02
es hat etwas gefehlt
City of Fallen Angels (Chroniken der Unterwelt, #4) - Cassandra Clare,Heinrich Koop,Franca Fritz

„City of Fallen Angels“ ist der ist der 4. Band der Chroniken der Unterwelt von Cassandra Clare.

Clary, Jace und Simon sind nach dem Krieg wieder zu Hause, die Gegner sind scheinbar alle Tod. Doch herrscht ein reges Interesse an Simon. Denn als einziger Vampir, der im Tageslicht wandeln kann, ist er sehr wertvoll. So dass er gejagt wird von denen, die nicht um sein Mal wissen und zu Verhandlungen von den Wissenden geladen wird.

In diesem Band geht es viel um Simon und seine Fähigkeiten. Er muss sich selbst mit dem Vampirdasein weiter anfreunden und lernen damit zu leben. Er möchte auch nicht immer abhängig von den Schättenjägern sein und versucht mit beiden Beinen im Leben zu stehen.

Jace versinkt wieder ins Selbstmitleid und hängt dem nach das Valantin ihn erzogen hat und er so ist wie er. Meiner Meinung könnte da mal Schluss sein und er könnte mit Clary mal eine normale Beziehung anfangen. Doch wird ihm sein Verhalten zum Verhängnis

Clary kommt zwar auch weiter vor, aber Simon wird in diesem Band in den Vordergrund gestellt. Wer gedacht hat, man erfährt jetzt wie Clary ausgebildet wird und wie es genau bei ihr weiter geht, wird da etwas enttäuscht. Man bekommt zwar etwas mit, aber eher am Rande.


Mir hat dieser Teil nicht so zugesagt. Es ging mir zu viel um Simon als um Clary. Auch Jaces Verhalten hätte sich mal etwas ändern können. Es war zwar spannend und wieder gut zu lesen, aber mir hat einiges gefehlt.

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