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The Drowning Tree - Carol Goodman
The Drowning Tree
by: (author)
Format: ebook
ISBN: 9780345478450 (0345478452)
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Sailing in a Sea of Words
Sailing in a Sea of Words rated it
5.0 Book Review: The Drowning Tree
Book: The Drowning Tree Author: Carol Goodman Genre: Fiction/Thriller/Mystery Summary: Juno McKay intended to avoid her fifteenth-year college reunion, but she can't resist the chance to see her life-long friend Christine Webb. Though Juno cringes at the inevitable talk of her troubled persona...
Kaethe rated it
5.0 The Drowning Tree - Carol Goodman
Such a pretty cover, not that you can tell from the thumbnail, but trust me. I had this and the Mary Stewart 3-in-1 Merlin book on the coffee table at the same time. Same colors. One looks like some bizarre Jesus theory, the other looks brooding and mysterious. The girls and I all noticed.Not just t...
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