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The Hundred and One Dalmatians - Dodie Smith, Janet Grahame Johnstone, Anne Grahame Johnstone
The Hundred and One Dalmatians
3.60 25
When 15 of their 101 puppies suddenly disappear, the Dalmatians Pongo and Missis suspect that their sinister neighbour, Cruella de Vil, is responsible. Setting out across the country on a dangerous mission to recover their offspring, they are helped by dogs wherever they go.
When 15 of their 101 puppies suddenly disappear, the Dalmatians Pongo and Missis suspect that their sinister neighbour, Cruella de Vil, is responsible. Setting out across the country on a dangerous mission to recover their offspring, they are helped by dogs wherever they go.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9780749702045 (0749702044)
Publisher: Heinemann
Pages no: 199
Edition language: English
Series: The Hundred and One Dalmatians (#1)
Community Reviews
Sheila's Reads
Sheila's Reads rated it
5.0 101 DALMATIANS by Dodie Smith
Classic dog tale of 101 Dalmatians which was used as the basis for the Disney movie of the same name. I enjoyed the story although the movie does change some of it. I liked the history of the DeVil family and Cruella's eccentricities. I thought the barking times and network were great. It is fun for...
Books Less Travelled
Books Less Travelled rated it
3.0 Disney's 101 Dalmatians
A great children's book
My Journey in Writing
My Journey in Writing rated it
4.0 The 101 Dalmatians
This book led to one of my first experiences with movies changing things. I remember being outraged that Missis' name was changed to make her Perdita in the movie. But that's the way it goes.This is a lovely and enjoyable story with a memorable and well-drawn villain. Entertaining.
Oh! Cakey Creativity
Oh! Cakey Creativity rated it
Review on my blogAs good as the Disney film is, it is definitely not a patch (unintentional pun there) on the original book, although they are nothing like each other anyways. The book was filled with so much adventure for such a small read and I was getting really excited when reading this book to ...
Libromancer's Apprentice
Libromancer's Apprentice rated it
4.0 The 101 Dalmatians
This was one of my favorite books as a kid, the cover is currently taped on b/c it was falling off. I still enjoy it.
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