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The Key to Rondo - Emily Rodda
The Key to Rondo
by: (author)
Format: audiobook
ISBN: 9781742147192 (1742147194)
Publisher: Bolinda Publishing
Edition language: English
Series: Rondo (#1)
Community Reviews
read learn and shine
read learn and shine rated it
5.0 The key to Rondo
Hi everyone I have finally had time to finish this and it was great. I will get a review up for it tomorrow. Right now my life has been taken over with teaching and assignments. Anyone else out there tired of assignments? I get it! Tomorrow I am planning a day off so I will try to review this ...
Miss Clark
Miss Clark rated it
2.5 - 3 starsI liked Mimi and Leo and how they go from rather disliking each other to grudging respect and sympathy. The supporting cast was colourful, though not deeply drawn. Partially comic, partially a coming-of-age tale and an adventure into another world inside a music box that has been handed...
Six Strings & Paperbacks
Six Strings & Paperbacks rated it
2.0 The Key to Rondo
This was a cute little children's novel. However it didn't pull me in as fast as I would like :)Still have to read the last one yet...
Allusion is not Illusion
Allusion is not Illusion rated it
It is difficult to describe this book without making it sound completely generic: two normal kids are transported by a magical object into a fairy-tale realm where they must must make their way through dangers to a final confrontation with an evil queen. There are supporting characters, good and bad...
Garden-of-Stars rated it
4.0 The Key to Rondo
I don't think there should be any continuation for this book - it deserves to be a stand-alone book without any other books added on to make another money-making and choppy boring series.The story is great, an original thought taken to new heights with some great writing. The characters are easily c...
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