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Discussion: Follow Me If You Like...Horror/Dark Fantasy/Dystopian
posts: 4 views: 336 last post: 9 years ago
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Should I add dystopian?
Hi. I'm Ash.
Who doesn't love a bot of horror, dark fantasy and dystopian in their book reading lives?
Though I must admit a read more dystopian than the other two but prob not by much. Love the Cal Leandros series with has an excellent mix of Horror and Dark Fantasy.
My favorite dystopian is probably Angelfall - if you haven't read it I would highly recommend it. I also very much enjoy anything with Zombies in it. I just cant get enough.
this your type of thing as well? Id love for you to check out my page :)
Hi, I read and review speculative fiction from 19th-century Gothic horror to present-day science fiction and fantasy. “Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice is one of my all-time favorite books. I have a lot of respect for dystopian authors such as Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Ray Bradbury. I enjoy dark and edgy novels in general.
Hi everyone,

I'm Kate and read mostly dark fiction, thrillers and horror although I do occasionally read some chick lit for light relief. I try and post at least 1 review a week along with a lot of other nonsense both book and non book related.
I have a lot of fun on BL and the last few weeks have been amazing with regards to connecting to new peeps.
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