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Undercover with the Hottie (Investigating the Hottie) - Juli Alexander
Undercover with the Hottie (Investigating the Hottie)
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3.33 15
Amanda and Will are back! This time, they're heading to New York City the day after Christmas. The mission: stop an assassination plot against the UN Secretary General. Aunt Christie and her partner Nic, are back as well, and playing the role of the parents on the undercover operation. As... show more
Amanda and Will are back! This time, they're heading to New York City the day after Christmas. The mission: stop an assassination plot against the UN Secretary General. Aunt Christie and her partner Nic, are back as well, and playing the role of the parents on the undercover operation.

As for Amanda and Will, they're still adjusting to the boyfriend-girlfriend thing, but while in the Big Apple, they are pretending to be brother and sister. Oh, and don't forget Grandma. She's on the team as well. Can Will and Amanda convince the New York teens that they're twins? Can they track down the bad guys before the ball drops in Times Square? Because if they fail, lives will be lost and the UN and the US may never be the same.
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Suasponte Press
Pages no: 165
Edition language: English
Series: Investigating the Hottie (#2)
Community Reviews
Aya M. Productions
Aya M. Productions rated it
3.0 Book Review: Undercover with the Hottie by Juli Alexander
Note: I received a free e-copy of this book for my honest review. I was not paid to write this. Additionally, this is the second book in a series. The first book was Investigating the Hottie, and my review can be found here. Undercover with the Hottie by Juli Alexander picks up a few months after ...
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