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Zenna Henderson
Birth date: November 01, 1917
Died: May 11, 1983
Zenna Henderson's Books
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LitReactor rated it 10 years ago
Title: The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 2 Who wrote it: Edited by Gordon Van Gelder, winner of the Hugo Award for his editorial work on The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, this collection includes stories from an impressive list of authors, such as: Stephen King, Rober...
Yzabel rated it 10 years ago
(I got a copy of this book from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.)3.5 stars for this collection of 27 stories, some of which are funny and grotesque, some others dark and disturbing.Strangely, I didn't feel that much of a connection with a lot of those. Maybe I've become picky after a few...
Bob @ Beauty in Ruins
Bob @ Beauty in Ruins rated it 10 years ago
As we pass the halfway mark of the year, we find the first of the new 'best of' anthologies flooding the market. Currently I have 4 monster tomes that I've been reading through, jumping around between favorite authors and intriguing titles. I'm not one to read an anthology from cover-to-cover, but I...
bookaneer rated it 10 years ago
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume 2 Edited by Gordon Van Gelder I recently read a short-story collection of recent works from big-name authors that caused me to reflect on what I looked for in the short story. I came to the conclusion that my childhood addiction to Year's Best an...
Melody Murray's Books
Melody Murray's Books rated it 11 years ago
3/2013 I read Walking Aunt Daid through tears, oh, who am I kidding- through sobs, the other night to a teenaged boy. If I never do another thing in my life, it's okay. Henderson's that good. I've dipped and supped throughout the book in the days since I read that story and as always I marvel that H...
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