The powerful story of one woman’s search for happiness and fulfillment in modern-day America. After moving to the United States from Canada, a free-spirited young woman rejects the status quo and embarks on a journey to discover what it means to be truly happy and fulfilled in the Land of...
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The powerful story of one woman’s search for happiness and fulfillment in modern-day America. After moving to the United States from Canada, a free-spirited young woman rejects the status quo and embarks on a journey to discover what it means to be truly happy and fulfilled in the Land of Opportunity. Her 13-year search spans half a dozen states, a bunch of fearless adventures, and ever-increasing crises, divisions, turmoil, and discontent. Through it all, she holds on to her fearless pursuit of happiness and fulfillment against ever-decreasing odds. 13 Years in America is a moving personal journey and a sharp, hard look at the American Dream.
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