Here you can choose the best way to lose weightEvery day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are fighting obesity. They are heroic attack on fat curse food and burn calories hateful flame relentless training.They are winning one victory after another, and losing the war... The...
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Here you can choose the best way to lose weightEvery day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are fighting obesity. They are heroic attack on fat curse food and burn calories hateful flame relentless training.They are winning one victory after another, and losing the war... The losers, because the war is not with the enemy, and yet, the real enemy quietly chose the time and struck a crushing blow.The only truly dangerous enemy of man, struggling with being overweight - is not fat, not food and a sedentary lifestyle. The enemy is within you, like the proverbial fifth column in the rear to fight the army.The lazy glutton, and a servant his momentary whims, he can not act boldly and aggressively, but able to whisper, to cheat and beat treacherously in the back. This he quietly reshapes you in his image. Look at yourself in the mirror.In your appearance no one clear line, face blurred, cheeks smoothly flow in the neck and into the stomach, hanging on all sides? His job! And you will not see the victory in the war on excess weight and centimeters, until the defeat of its internal enemies. No, it is impossible to kill him, because it is part of you, if not the best. But tame, remove from power - it will have to do, otherwise you will not notice how he would again rule over you, like cattle, fattened for slaughter.
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