"A Drop in the Night" tells the story of a World War ll Airman who was sworn to secrecy by the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency. Only de-classified in the late 1980s, the work of this young soldier and his fellow airmen can finally be revealed. Code...
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"A Drop in the Night" tells the story of a World War ll Airman who was sworn to secrecy by the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency. Only de-classified in the late 1980s, the work of this young soldier and his fellow airmen can finally be revealed. Code named “Operation Carpetbagger,” the missions put young airmen in uniquely dangerous circumstances. Trained as bomber crews, these soldiers didn’t drop bombs. They dropped spies, both men and women, who had volunteered to parachute deep into Nazi-occupied territories. Flying only at night and at altitudes so low they could skim the tops of trees, these crews flew in conditions requiring extraordinary skill and guts. Very few accounts have been written about these important missions that helped bring a successful conclusion to the War.
"A Drop in the Night" brings to life the true story of Royce Fulmer, a poor boy from the hardscrabble backwoods of South Carolina who made his way to flight engineer on a B-24 Liberator. Based on interviews with Royce, and extensive research from previously unavailable sources, "A Drop in the Night" chronicles how he survived childhood poverty growing up in the rural south in the 1920s and ‘30s. You will learn about the early origins of NASCAR when Royce describes his dangerous time as a teenage bootlegger. With rich details provided in his own words, read about this man’s fascinating life as a fatherless son, a World War ll Airman, and a successful real estate developer that lost as many fortunes as he made. Now in his ninth decade of life, Royce’s storytelling makes "A Drop in the Night" a unique book that captures what it meant to be a 20th century hero.
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