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A Monster Calls - Community Reviews back

by Patrick Ness
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Let's Talk About Books
Let's Talk About Books rated it 10 years ago
So, I've never really done this before, at least, not on this platform. But I have too much free time these days so I figure talking about books is a good way to spend that time. So bear with me as I figure this whole thing out. I actually read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness about two months ago...
Danni Mae
Danni Mae rated it 10 years ago
Reviewed First on DanniMae.comAfter finishing A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, I immediately closed to the front cover and was shocked to not see a Newbery Award metal there. I don’t generally pay attention to awards, so I’m not sure what made me think of it- just that it seemed to have everything t...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 10 years ago
A monster comes a-calling upon a young boy, whose mother is dying from cancer. At first, the story might seem metaphorically clichéd, but the outstanding deliverance of it deserves an award. I found this in the teen/young-adult section of the library, but I feel that it's a book that every child who...
Yzabel rated it 10 years ago
Definitely a book that everyone can enjoy, no matter how young or old, and that will push you to reflect upon life, suffering, losing what's dear to you, and facing the truths you do not want to see.I liked how "raw" this novel was, in its dealings with illness. While THAT illness is a theme that al...
Lunar Rainbows Reviews
Lunar Rainbows Reviews rated it 10 years ago
A Monster Calls is a book I've heard nothing but positive things about since it's release in 2011, and I was lucky enough to be gifted a copy so I was very eager to read it...but, I knew I had to be in just the right mood to dive in considering the content. So, when the mood presented itself recentl...
TrevorPTweedleD rated it 10 years ago
"You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”This book demonstrates the art of storytelling in a part fantasy, part reality environment where the main character finds himself dealing with what troubles may come...
Just Another Reader
Just Another Reader rated it 10 years ago
I mentioned before that I read Blood Red Road between this and The Knife of Never Letting go so I didn't have back to back by the same author, only to find out those two books were extremely similar. A Monster Calls has almost nothing in common with KNLG. Well, it's middle grade male protagonist. ...
Come Hither Books
Come Hither Books rated it 10 years ago
You will love Through the Woods if:
 You’re in the mood for something scary and unexpected. You like your fairy tales dark and unsettling, in the Grimm tradition. You want illustrations to perfectly suit the tone and content of the story. But if you want to sleep soundly tonight, beware. Through t...
Let's Talk about Books!
Let's Talk about Books! rated it 10 years ago
I don’t remember where I saw this book suggestion at, but boy do I wish I did. Mainly so I could give them a huge high five and a great big thanks. This book was damn good and I am still not sure how I am feeling after reading it. I can tell you what I felt while I read it, though. I wanted to screa...
Poisoning with words
Poisoning with words rated it 10 years ago
Yo no suelo darle 5 estrellas a cualquier libro, generalmente reservó eso para aquellas historias que no me importaría volver a leer una y otra vez. Y definitivamente no me importaría volver a leer "A Monster Calls" mil y un veces más.
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