"[U]tterly captivating..." --New York Times"[S]uperbly written....suspense that will keep you glued to your seat..." --USA Today"[A] gripping story, deftly told takes us inside the world of sea turtleactivism and its fight against the evils of poaching..." --National GeographicHawaiian legend...
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"[U]tterly captivating..." --New York Times"[S]uperbly written....suspense that will keep you glued to your seat..." --USA Today"[A] gripping story, deftly told takes us inside the world of sea turtleactivism and its fight against the evils of poaching..." --National GeographicHawaiian legend tells the story of a mystical Honu, or sea turtle, named Kauila. As aumakua, or guardian spirit, she watches over the people of Hawaiias any mother would of her children. Owing to a special relationshipwith Hina, the moon, Kauila is an expert navigator--even leading theancient Polynesians to her islands, in the beginning. There is greatcomfort in knowing Kauila is always watching. Unless, of course, you don't want to be seen.
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