A short story from the Realm of the Gods. The Immortal Pleses has been assigned the task of quelling dissent in a newly conquered world. He has been gifted a knowledge of the past by his god, a rare gift indeed, since the study of history is banned in the realm of the gods. Pleses believes most...
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A short story from the Realm of the Gods. The Immortal Pleses has been assigned the task of quelling dissent in a newly conquered world. He has been gifted a knowledge of the past by his god, a rare gift indeed, since the study of history is banned in the realm of the gods. Pleses believes most fervently that humanity is a degraded husk of its former self, soon to be replaced by new creations of the gods. After a detailed research of ancient history, he has decided to emulate the ancient Nazi Heydrich. "Nacht und Nebel" will crush dissent and raise himself up in the prestige of his god. His victims cry out to a race of mythic warriors called the Hana as they are executed. He pays no attention to them, so sure there is no more strength in humanity. He does not concern himself with mundane concerns, only his dream, to become the new Heydrich of this age, the leader of a new Holocaust for humanity. He entertains no doubts, even as his plans begin to fall apart, even as his most cherished beliefs are shown to be hollow lies. For in his self-imposed ignorance, he has not realized that the Hana are real.
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