An Anthology of tantalising short stories selected from the Michael Terence Publishing Short Story Competition, 2017. Featuring: A Tale of a Mouse: Andy Hamilton, The Last Love of the Sea Captain: Tamara Artvin, A Gap Year for Grandma: Mary Charnley, Trevor Colbourne: Wild Geese, Sandra...
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An Anthology of tantalising short stories selected from the Michael Terence Publishing Short Story Competition, 2017. Featuring: A Tale of a Mouse: Andy Hamilton, The Last Love of the Sea Captain: Tamara Artvin, A Gap Year for Grandma: Mary Charnley, Trevor Colbourne: Wild Geese, Sandra Kirley: Everything Must Go, Tiffany Williams: Mirella, Emma J Myatt: Your Lifejacket is Under Your Seat, Julia Brilleman: Rubber Dominoes, Pauline Whittle: Doomed, MartinHone: The Soul as a Shadow and a Reflection, E C Hayles: The Model, NickAdigu Burke: Many a Silent Wish, Grant Hulbert: Creatures of Myth - The Story of Jared McKay, Paula St. Paul: Hand Across The Water, Sally Wood: Evelyn, Mike Waugh: Prey, Andrea Rose Lyttle: The Ambit, Tim Cove: Homo Erectus, Shayna Marks: It's Not What It Seems, Liam Lennon: Memoirs About a Girl, Fizza Fatima: Fablo's Bar, Hilary Slade: The Life and Times of Lewis Ancer, Aviv Salinas: Counter Revolution, Shelley Crowley: The One Who Wasn't, Tom Nicolson: A Grand Opportunity, David Readings: A Spitfire Called Lola, Lee Wadmore: Happy Crying, Ken Hawes: Look Further than the Cover, Tim Ewins: A Little, Lost, E.L. Spink: Escobar's Last Breakfast, Ron Morton: The Sinkers' Skirmish
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