Set against a backdrop of increasing international tension on both sides of the Atlantic, Absolution follows the lives of seven people who reach a pivotal point in their lives and embark upon new paths, setting them on a collision course. Together, the characters descend into a complex world of...
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Set against a backdrop of increasing international tension on both sides of the Atlantic, Absolution follows the lives of seven people who reach a pivotal point in their lives and embark upon new paths, setting them on a collision course. Together, the characters descend into a complex world of conspiracy, drugs, murder, and prostitution. Nevertheless, they are human and find themselves bound by love, loyalty, and family. Part 1 (Crimes Against Humanity) sets the chain in motion when Strauss Goldstone after separating from his wife takes something of a sabbatical. He visits cousin, Morgan, in California. Unbeknown to Strauss, Morgan is a drug-dealer with his own problems (including his relationship with a Hispanic prostitute). Morgan's problems escalate when Strauss is shot and killed in a drive-by.In Part IICharacters originally from both sides of the moral divide are forced to accept; there is no line, there is no right or wrong. And they are seeking the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow that contains only shades of grey.It is no coincidence that there seven characters and seven deadly sins. Individuals look to God for absolution or redemption. Eventually, they realise, there always was a line. It has been crossed, and not by them. The way they live their individual lives is insignificant. The power of one doesn't actually make a difference. In the greater scheme of things, the US have given China an ultimatum, and China have sent their reply.
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