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Aiden's Story (A Watcher Novel) - S.J. West
Aiden's Story (A Watcher Novel)
by: (author)
Between Dec 26 and Dec 31, Cursed (Book 1, The Watchers Trilogy) will be on sale for 0.99. It is the first book in the Watcher Series of books (which is composed of 14 books to date with more to come) As Aiden and Caylin prepare for their Valentine’s Day wedding, Aiden is given some sage advice.... show more
Between Dec 26 and Dec 31, Cursed (Book 1, The Watchers Trilogy) will be on sale for 0.99. It is the first book in the Watcher Series of books (which is composed of 14 books to date with more to come)

As Aiden and Caylin prepare for their Valentine’s Day wedding, Aiden is given some sage advice. Before he can truly give Caylin the beautiful future she deserves, he must willingly let go of his personal demons and allow them to remain buried where they belong, in the past. If he doesn’t, he will continue to second-guess himself and never fully believe he is worthy of the happiness they share. With pencil in hand and a blank journal in front of him, Aiden begins to write the story of his life spanning from the moment he was created up to his present. As a War Angel, Aiden was made to fight and little else. When he was given the opportunity to become a Watcher, Aiden thought he had found his true calling. After disobeying God’s law and falling from His grace, Aiden allowed the darkest recesses of his soul to reign over his actions. After years of self-loathing, Aiden was finally given the chance to prove to himself and God that he had the willpower to rise above what he had become. When Caylin first entered his world, Aiden knew he was being given the chance at a new life. Everything up to that point, the good as well as the bad, was meant to lead him to her. His true destiny…

Reading Order of Watcher Books by Series:

The Watchers Trilogy (Cursed, Blessed, and Forgiven; Ages 13+)

The Watcher Chronicles (Broken, Kindred, Oblivion, and Ascension; Ages 17+ due to mature content in books 3 and 4)

Caylin's Story ( Timeless and Devoted; Ages 13+ - Can be read by younger readers without having to read the Watcher Chronicles)
Aiden's Story

The Redemption Series (Malcolm, Anna, Lucifer, and Redemption; Ages 17+ due to mature content in books 3 and 4)
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Watcher Pulblishing
Pages no: 566
Edition language: English
Books by S.J. West
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