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Alex de Campi - Community Reviews back

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melindaoliverhoover rated it 10 years ago
I got this from Netgalley and Diamond Book Distributors. It will be available to the public on June 17th 2014. Since today was free comic day I was in the mood to read something light. This is the perfect comic for a late elementary/middle schooler to read. It is only 88 pages long so it was a quick...
pedestrienne rated it 10 years ago
I'd say Smoke is 4 stars and Ashes is 3, just because I wasn't a fan of the character evolution through the different artists. The characters are so themselves in Smoke, people with their own bodies and facial structures and styles that are part of the world that is built and drawn in that story, an...
pedestrienne rated it 10 years ago
I'd say Smoke is 4 stars and Ashes is 3, just because I wasn't a fan of the character evolution through the different artists. The characters are so themselves in Smoke, people with their own bodies and facial structures and styles that are part of the world that is built and drawn in that story, an...
FrancesKR rated it 12 years ago
Pleasantly surprised; I was coming to this with expectations of both quality and convention. Quality was met. Convention was met and exceeded.There are a three science fiction stories, and now that I think about it, that's not unheard of; consider the Great Whatsit from Kiss Me Deadly. A similar ...
Inside a Dog
Inside a Dog rated it 14 years ago
Half are great and half are weak with obvious plots, tissue thin characters, and passable artwork. It seemed like a lot of the writers thought it was noir just to write about crime and put in a twist, but noir is really a mood and an evocation, not just shadowy panels and dames with obscure motives....
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