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'Life of Pi' made the World Book Night list for 2011 and rightly so. Martel has created a modern masterpiece, which is beautifully written. The storyline is unusual and all the more absorbing for it. The ending too is intriguing and though the movie interpretation is good, it can't do full justice t...
I'm not sure how to review this book without spoilers in every other sentence, so I'm just going to spoiler tag the entire entry. I can't say I loved this book, in the end, or even that I really liked it as much as the 4 stars would indicate. I loved parts of it, where the writing was so compellin...
When a zoo in Pondicherry, India, run by Pi Patel's father, has to close, Pi sets out with his family and many of the animals to travel to Canada by boat. En route, the boat sinks and Pi ends up sharing a lifeboat with a fully-grown Bengal tiger. He survives because he manages to train the tiger int...
It's been a while since I listened to the audio version of this book, and I've only thought about it again lately because I have seen trailers for the movie. For the most part, I can say that I enjoyed the story until the end. The end felt very much like having a religious message jammed at me.