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Alice's Adventures Under Ground - Community Reviews back

by Lewis Carroll
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Because I'm Batman
Because I'm Batman rated it 12 years ago
I've seen multiple films based on Alice but never read the book. I finally have, and it's not bad.The plot moves very quickly from place to place and character to character, but time seems to slow during each scene. The word play is amusing, but not brilliant (perhaps because I've seen too many film...
Veritatem Facientes In Caritate
Veritatem Facientes In Caritate rated it 12 years ago
It is impossible to outgrow Alice.
msleighm books
msleighm books rated it 12 years ago
Had this book when I was a kid, left it at an audition and someone picked it up; no lost and found for me. Would really like to replace it.
Prerazmišljavanje rated it 12 years ago
Činilo joj se da Šeširdžijina primedba nema nikakvog smisla, a ipak je sve bilo pravilno rečeno. Ne znam ima li smisla da i ja pišem o ovoj knjizi. Sve što bih mogla da kažem neko je sigurno već primetio. Sviđa mi se kako je u razgovoru sa Gusenicom predstavljen problem identiteta pojedinca u to...
Il Bianco...Il Nero. Emozioni di una Musa
Premessa... Non ho mai avuto una gran passione per i classici, nemmeno per quelli dei ragazzi ma da quando ho visto l'ultima rivisitazione di questo libro, con il mio grandissimo Johnny, mi è partito l'embolo e ho voluto saperne di più. Certo, dovevo prima cancellare dalla memoria il primo tentativo...
priceiswong rated it 12 years ago
Honestly, don't hate me.. but my recommendation - just watch the movie! This book was so random and nuts. It was all nonsense.. some really like reading crazy stuff though! I liked the Mad Hatter scene probably best
The Girl Who'll Read Anything
The Girl Who'll Read Anything rated it 12 years ago
"Alice got up and ran off, thinking while she ran, as well as she might, what a wonderful dream it had been."
A Rep Reading
A Rep Reading rated it 12 years ago
Spectacular addition to the selections available of this classic children's story. It really made me want to open the book right then and there, when I first held it in my hands. Very appealing.
ereksonj rated it 12 years ago
I shelved this dark not because of Oxenbury's treatment, but rather because Carroll's writing is rather dark in tone. He does it well. Oxenbury's illustrations are just what we would expect--very good figure drawings in her signature style. She chose not to depart from the conventional illustration ...
lauredhel rated it 12 years ago
The Good: A great modern Chinese-Australian YA ghost story that's also a homage - almost a love letter - to the 80s! Great for all us YA readers in our forties *whistles* The Bad: The lack of Valley Girl references. The weird five-minute counsellor appointment - this was not believable, and I'm not ...
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