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Along Came a Spider (Alex Cross, Book 1) - James Patterson, Alton Fitzgerald White, Michael Cumpstey
Along Came a Spider (Alex Cross, Book 1)
Format: audiobook
ISBN: 9781594831218 (1594831211)
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Edition language: English
Series: Alex Cross (#1)
Community Reviews
She reads, she watches and sometimes she goes outside
She reads, she watches and sometimes she goes outside rated it
4.0 Along Came a Spider
I was expecting good things from this as I had chosen specifically to go back to the beginning of the James Patterson craze. I had struggled (am still struggling) to get through a later James Patterson so this was me trying to kick off a writer I had not enjoyed in past.I liked the book. A lot. It w...
Watch - Eat - Read
Watch - Eat - Read rated it
4.0 Along Came a Spider
I was expecting good things from this as I had chosen specifically to go back to the beginning of the James Patterson craze. I had struggled (am still struggling) to get through a later James Patterson so this was me trying to kick off a writer I had not enjoyed in past.I liked the book. A lot. It w...
IntheZone rated it
3.0 Along Came a Spider
An entertaining story that was long on ideas and somewhat short on characters. I read this one in a few hours and while enjoyable seemed to be lacking in plot twists. It was pretty straight forward and the bad guys were mostly identifiable as the story progressed. I will have to read a few more of h...
IntheZone rated it
3.0 Along Came a Spider
An entertaining story that was long on ideas and somewhat short on characters. I read this one in a few hours and while enjoyable seemed to be lacking in plot twists. It was pretty straight forward and the bad guys were mostly identifiable as the story progressed. I will have to read a few more of h...
Lornographic Material
Lornographic Material rated it
0.5 Along Came a Spider Rage Review (Foul language and vulgarity throughout)
No wonder the literary world is polluted with so many shitty writers. They see how well this fucking hack has sold, read his work, and aspire to fucking mediocrity. James Patterson outsells Pulitzer-Prize winning authors, but his writing (I refuse to call this bullshit "prose") is barely one step ab...
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