Amy Gilchrist became interested in yoga at an early age when she learned of the numerous benefits that it has not only for the body but for the mind as well. Because of her love for it she made the decision to get the information across to as many persons as possible and tried to find the best...
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Amy Gilchrist became interested in yoga at an early age when she learned of the numerous benefits that it has not only for the body but for the mind as well. Because of her love for it she made the decision to get the information across to as many persons as possible and tried to find the best medium to do so.She settled on putting together a book which outlines some basic yoga poses that anyone can try. It is an extremely simple book which anyone can follow as the paragraphs outline the process to do the various poses is followed by an illustration which makes it even easier to understand.Amy is aware that some are a bit skeptical over trying yoga for religious of other reasons but tries to convey that the benefits of yoga far outweigh any negative aspect it could have.If you are interested in living a life that is healthy and getting in all the exercise you can without slaving away in the gym then yoga is a great option that can be tried by anyone. It is not hard to get started and with the guidance of a professional yoga instructor things will be sorted out in no time at all.ChaptersChapter 1- Introduction To Basic YogaChapter 2- Standing Sideways Bending One arm- KonasanaChapter 3- Sideways Bending Using Both Arms- Konasana 2Chapter 4- Standing Spinal Twist- KatichakrasanaChapter 5- Standing Forward Bend- HastapadasanaChapter 6- Standing Backward Bend- Ardha ChakrasanaChapter 7- Triangle Pose- TrikonasanaChapter 8- Warrior Pose- Veerabhadrasana or VirabhadrasanaChapter 9- Standing Forward Bend with Feet Apart- Parsarita PadotanasanaChapter 10- Tree Pose- VrikshasanaChapter 11- Chair Pose- UtkatasanaChapter 12- One-Legged Forward Bend- Janu ShirasasanaChapter 13- Two-Legged Forward Bend- PaschimottanasanaChapter 14- Inclined Plane- PoorvottanasanaChapter 15- Sitting Half Spinal Twist- Ardha MatsyendrasanaChapter 16- Butterfly Pose- BadhakonasanaChapter 17- Cat Stretch- MarjariasanaChapter 18- Child Pose- Shishu AsanaChapter 19- Mill Churning Pose- Chakki ChalanasanaChapter 20- Bow Pose- DhanurasanaChapter 21- Cobra Pose- BhujangasanaChapter 22- Superman Pose- Viparita ShalabhasanaChapter 23- Locust Pose- ShalabasanaChapter 24- Boat Pose- NaukasanaChapter 25- Bridge Pose- SetubandhasanaChapter 26- Fish Pose- MatsyasanaChapter 27- Wind-Relieving Pose- PavanamuktasanaChapter 28- Shoulder Stand- SarvangasanaChapter 29- Plow Pose- HalasanaChapter 30- Lying-Down Body Twist- ChakrasanaChapter 31- Lying-Down On Sides- Vishnu AsanaChapter 32- Corpse Pose- Shavasana
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