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Amy Plum's Books
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Let's Talk About Books
Let's Talk About Books rated it 7 years ago
Just kidding. There are no bees in this story. But I love that weird joke. Anyway, finished this one last night, just forgot to review it. Dreamfall is summed up as Inception meets Nightmare on Elm Street. How on earth was I supposed to refuse that? Seven teenagers are offered the chance of a lif...
Sci-Fi & Scary
Sci-Fi & Scary rated it 7 years ago
D M Singh Book Blog
D M Singh Book Blog rated it 10 years ago
The creatures in these books are not ones I am familiar with and that can be a risky thing for an author, as it can be easier to stick to those monster we love more, vampires, witches, werewolves etc. Moving away from the familiar can sometimes be disastrous, but this is a fantastic triumph.I found ...
YA Fanatic
YA Fanatic rated it 10 years ago
This felt a little underwhelming for the series closure. I wanted a bit more for the big ending. I love the two main characters and their relationship but was hoping the actual plot would have been less rushed and even drawn out more. I know we complain a lot about trilogies, but I think this would ...
YA Fanatic
YA Fanatic rated it 10 years ago
Well, After the End pleasantly surprised me. I wasn't a fan of it until half way through when I started to really fall in love with the two main characters of this book. It's definitely more about characterization than plot. But they're great characters. Juneau has lived with her clan in Denali, ...
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