An epistle to Friends concerning the present and succeeding times. Being a faithful exhortation and warning to all Friends, who possess the truth,...
"YOU whom the Lord hath reached unto in this the Day of his Love, and hath made known the way of Truth and Righteousness unto you, through the raising up of that Holy living Witness of himself, that long lay hid and buried in you, and hath brought you to a secret feeling of something in you, that...
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"YOU whom the Lord hath reached unto in this the Day of his Love, and hath made known the way of Truth and Righteousness unto you, through the raising up of that Holy living Witness of himself, that long lay hid and buried in you, and hath brought you to a secret feeling of something in you, that is worth the minding and regarding; and the Lord causing this to Appear in the Day of yourseeking, as a Light, discovering Darkness, and its Power, by which ye were formerly holden, and given you by his Spirit a sense and secret Hope, that in this Light, the way of Deliverance was to be attained unto; this Hope made you not ashamed of the Light which before you hated, but you came to know and embrace it, even while others still hated it, and you for its sake; yet your Hearts being affected with the Hope that did appear therein, could not but joyn unto it, as to make publick Profession of it for its own sake; and for no other ends or designs, or interest at all, but with resolution in that Light, to wait for the Salvation of God. Dear Friends, it is you aforementioned that both now, and for some Days and Weeks my Heart hath been deeply exercised concerning, even Night and Day; and the aboundings of the Father's Love doth often overcome me, and draws me forth now to say and write these things unto you for your Admonition and Establishment; and indeed it is you who did thus rightly own the way of Truth, and knew your Believing to be the Gifts and Mercy of God to your Souls, that I do..."
This is an edition of a classical book first published in the eighteenth century.
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