Synopsis of anoxic zone by john g rees Towards the end of the first century of the second millennium, the true end of the Industrial age, a workingman with skills was rare. And so, being one was vital. Having the unfortunate opportunity to be alive at this time, when the infrastructure of the...
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Synopsis of anoxic zone by john g rees Towards the end of the first century of the second millennium, the true end of the Industrial age, a workingman with skills was rare. And so, being one was vital. Having the unfortunate opportunity to be alive at this time, when the infrastructure of the previous age was falling apart, operatives were much needed. Chosen for their aptitude, whether skilled in labor or in the sciences, these men were brought back to life again and again to become reuseables for Megacorp. Society at large never knew the making or means of this rekindling of life. Nor did the ones it was perpetrated on. At least that was the way it was supposed to be. Megacorp was what its name implied: a massive worldwide organization that owned almost everything and everyone. Its decisions were paramount and capitalistic. It did whatever it had to do to increase shareholder dividends. Whatever would make money. It made most of its profits from the seas, filled with errant shipwrecks from thousands of years and all that they held. Metal of all kinds were the real currency in this world. Most of it was underwater. Jake, a commercial diver and Johnny, a scientist, were regenerated as reuseables to serve this narcissistic, apathetic society. They have remained friends for over 100 years, through many lives and deaths, so to speak... A combination of human curiosity and inhuman nature conspire to have them discover just what they are. By finding out, they inadvertently release the evil that spawned them. Darkly charismatic, this evil befriends Jake and Johnny who are now fugitives from Megacorp for unleashing their dividend maker. In time, the two realize that his forged charisma belies a ruthless, pathological psychopath that has been alive for over a thousand years. Myth and reality coalesce as the two struggle to deal with what they have become, along with the legacy that comes with it. Their nightmare takes them from deep in the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. The darkest phantom of our subconscious surfaces to mete out his own brand of persecution to those betrayed him. Everything goes wild as the storm builds, reaching a fevered pitch. Not realizing the dissonant harmony that was happening, they release even more evil. The book comes to its tornado-like ending, leaving you, the reader, along with the guys, thrashed in the whirlwind.
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