A Stanislaus County Community Novel "A community of writers, a community of readers!" A young couple stumbles across an abandoned teardrop trailer during a weekend bike ride along the Tuolumne River. What's inside leads them on a mysterious journey filled with suspense, danger, and more...
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A Stanislaus County Community Novel "A community of writers, a community of readers!" A young couple stumbles across an abandoned teardrop trailer during a weekend bike ride along the Tuolumne River. What's inside leads them on a mysterious journey filled with suspense, danger, and more questions than answers. Set against the familiar landscape of Stanislaus County, Ashes in a Teardrop follows the couple on their adventure to discover the surprising origins of the artifacts found inside. Written by 15 individual authors, you will be surprised by the seamless narrative, the artful prose, and the suspenseful mystery at the heart of Stanislaus County's first community novel. "Written for our community, by our community! Readers will enjoy this suspenseful mystery, set against the familiar landscape of Stanislaus County." —Jim De Martini, Stanislaus County Supervisor "Fifteen authors, one goal: to create a collaborative work that would become Stanislaus County’s first community novel. It begins with a bike ride along the Tuolumne River. What follows is a fascinating tale, with some intense moments that will keep you captivated." —Patricia H. Portwood, Stanislaus Library Foundation "Readers will enjoy the unique writing styles of 15 local authors, each contributing a chapter. Ashes in a Teardrop is inspired by a shared vision to create this unique collective work." —Diane McDonnell, Stanislaus County Library Director
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