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Asterios Polyp - David Mazzucchelli, Tatjana Jambrišak
Asterios Polyp
by: (author) (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9789533210902
Publisher: Fibra
Pages no: 344
Edition language: Croatian
Community Reviews
Something clever I'll change later
Something clever I'll change later rated it
Absolutely loved it, but the ending lost it a 5 star rating.
Pustu aprende a leer
Pustu aprende a leer rated it
Ohhhh toda una montaña rusa con esta gran novela. No se ni por donde empezar. Estoy sin palabras. Leanlo y lo comentamos.
narfna rated it
4.0 Asterios Polyp
I feel like this is a book I would like better if I was on acid. Very trippy and oddly moving. The ending is like . . . WHAT.
Reading Robyn
Reading Robyn rated it
Asterios Polyp is a graphic novel that takes imaginative originality to a new high within the mundane life of a struggling, fifty year old architecture professor.It's difficult to express just what it is exactly that makes this book work so well. David Mazzucchelli has an undeniable way with words a...
Hazard rated it
Asterios Polyp ist ein höchst interessanter Graphic Novel, sowohl was die Zeichnungen hinsichtlich Stil und Farbgebung betrifft als auch die Wahl der Erzählperspektive und nicht zuletzt die behandelten Themen.Beziehungen zwischen Charakteren werden durch die Farbgebung und den Stil der Bilder verdeu...
Books by David Mazzucchelli
Books by Tatjana Jambrišak
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